When a church member’s mother died from Covid-19 back in Myanmar earlier this year, the New Life Christian Centre (NLCC) in Singapore rose up to send 420 oxygen concentrators to help not only their own church members’ families but also the Christian ministers in frontier villages who have little or no support.

“The aim is to provide for God’s workers. Then they are strengthened to go share the Gospel,” said NLCC’s Senior Pastor Esther Shwe Yi.

“We are trusting God for revival in Myanmar,” she said. “We are not God, we cannot save the country, not even one state ­– that is fact. But whatever God wants us to do, we will do.

“God put us here for such a time as this – whether in prayer or giving.”

To read the story, click here.

If you’d like to contribute to Myanmar Crisis Relief, New Life Community Centre’s efforts to provide food and oxygen concentrators to Christians in Myanmar, contact love_mm@newlifecc.org.sg.
