Generosity in giving: Be channels, not storehouses
Lam Kok Hiang // May 28, 2018, 5:00 am

Photo by Simon Maage on Unsplash
Giving is an expression of our worship to God and a privilege we have as believers to participate in the Lord’s work.
Scripture is replete with examples of generous giving: We have the story of the widow giving out of her poverty (Mark 12), businesswoman Lydia extending hospitality out of her wealth (Acts 16), the widow giving her last meal to Elijah despite her trepidation (1 Kings 17), and Mary anointing Jesus with a costly jar of ointment out of devotion to her Master (Mark 14).
God releases His abundant resources through His people and the church.
We also have negative examples of those who hoarded: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5), Elisha’s servant Gehazi who became greedy (2 Kings 5), and the rich fool who built storehouses for his own enjoyment (Luke 12).
What matters in our giving is not the amount, but our attitude. We give out of a grateful heart for all that God has blessed us with, and we give in faith as God leads us to give sacrificially.
When we give to the Lord, we trust that He will provide for our needs, multiply our offering and use it for His glory.
God desires that we become channels of His blessings and not mere storehouses. God releases His abundant resources through His people and the church. As channels, our giving becomes an extension of God’s grace to those in need. Those who receive are also enabled to fulfil God’s calling and mission.
A generous heart reflects our desire to bless the Lord and His work.
On the other hand, we become storehouses when we hoard God’s resources for our own enjoyment or out of worry that our needs will not be met.
A generous heart does not reflect our economic or social standing; it reflects our desire to bless the Lord and His work through what He has given us. We give because we want to, and not because we have to. With right attitudes, our giving in faith will fill both the giver and the recipient with praise and thanksgiving to God (2 Corinthians 9:12-14). The wise man writes in Proverbs 11:24:
“Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything.”
The storehouse of all good things belongs to God (James 1:17). From that infinite source of blessing, He will replenish all that we sow, whether material or spiritual, so that we become channels of His blessings.
My prayer for all of us:
“May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; and establish the work of our hands for us.” Psalm 90:17
This was written for Cru Singapore and is republished with permission. You can find more devotionals on the Cru Singapore blog.
Reflection and Discussion
1. What has your giving been like recently? Would you consider yourself a “generous giver”?
2. Read and reflect on Luke 12:13-21. Why did God call the rich man a fool? What is wrong with the attitude of “eat, drink and be merry”?
3. Read and reflect on Acts 16:13-15. How does baptism prompt hospitality?
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