As one, for Christ: The bukit in Singapore
Celebration of Hope committee // April 8, 2019, 2:15 pm

Photo by Vlad Tchompalov on Unsplash.
Sedikit-sedikit lama-lama jadi bukit.
Familiar with this Malay proverb? It literally means: “Bit by bit, over time, it will turn into a mount”. It may have been inspired by the way ants dig nests underground and heap the soil in one spot, forming an anthill.
Ants are interesting creatures. They are part of the family Formicidae, from the Latin term formica. Mica in Latin means crumb.
Crumbs they may be, but a colony of ants is a formidable force. Highly-organised, they instinctively work hard as a team to achieve great things far beyond the limits of each itsy-bitsy ant.
Fact is, ants have gone global. They are found almost everywhere!
We are created for community. We are stronger together.
So it is with the Church. We are created for community. We are stronger together. We have a huge mission to be Christ’s witnesses wherever we live and to the ends of the earth.
When the early Church faced its first persecution, those who were scattered went about preaching the Word (Acts 8:4). We see here a community of faith with a Spirit-driven impulse to follow Christ and proclaim the Gospel wherever they went, whatever it took!
Bit by bit over time, the Church grew as each Christian did his or her part to live out the faith, compelled by Christ’s love and empowered by His Spirit.
One family
Race, creed, culture, politics, geography and historical circumstances have seemingly kept the Church apart. But there is a Spirit-infused, Gospel-instructed life in every Christian that identifies the person with Christ and His body of believers.
Invisible unity becomes visible when Christians go beyond the boundaries of their respective churches to serve the cause of Christ.
Worship styles and dogma may differ. But as mere Christians, this invisible unity centres on our common identity in Christ as redeemed sons and daughters (Romans 8:14-15) of His great big family here and around the world.
In fact, as we dig into our historical archives of the 1800s, we discover that many mere Christians were simply living out their faith and pioneering together whenever the opportunity arose; all for one purpose: to build up the fledgling work of the Church.
Here in Singapore, this invisible unity becomes visible when Christians go beyond the boundaries of their respective churches to serve the cause of Christ. We see this happening in schools, in workplaces and in neighbourhoods.
And when there is a citywide event jointly organised by groups from different church streams – be it a teaching seminar, an equipping conference, a prayer concert or an evangelistic rally – the visibility of the one Church in Singapore increases.
Rising mount
From observation, many Christians with a familial longing or homing instinct are ever eager to connect with one another and do their bit in flooding our city with the truth and love of Jesus.
Praise the Lord! We already see this happening as we work towards the Celebration of Hope rallies in May. As Bishop Rennis Ponniah has said, “this is not mass evangelism but personal evangelism on a mass scale”.
We are stronger and better together. We each have a unique part to play. Let us each do our bit:
• Light up our little corner
• Pray for the lost by name
• Invite a friend to the rallies
• Do an ushering duty
• Push a wheelchair
Bit by bit, may the miracle of Christ’s Church in Singapore continue to unfold. Bit by bit, may the work of many Christians result in many bukits which testify to the glory and honour of our Lord in our city and surrounding nations.
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