One in Christ: CityAlight comes to Singapore for the first-ever night of worship on September 30
by Tan Huey Ying // August 28, 2023, 4:41 pm

CityAlight is a fully volunteer-run music ministry of St Paul's Church in Sydney, Australia. They will be in Singapore on September 30 for a night of worship. Photo courtesy of CityAlight.
Worship band CityAlight will be in Singapore for a one-night only concert, “One in Christ”, on September 30 at The Star Theatre co-organised by Adam Road Presbyterian Church (ARPC), Redemption Hill Church (RHC) and the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) of The Methodist Church in Singapore.
One in Christ
CityAlight is the volunteer-run music ministry of St Paul’s Castle Hill, a small Anglican church in Sydney, Australia, known for their original 2018 debut, Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me.
This will be the first time the band performs in Singapore and will also include songs from their new album released in July this year such as Jesus Strong And Kind, a CityAlight duet with survivors of human trafficking in the Philippines.

The music video of Jesus Strong And Kind, a duet between City Alight and survivors of human trafficking under the International Justice Mission (IJM), being screened at the live recording at St Paul’s Church. The video will also be screened at their concert in Singapore on September 30. Photo courtesy of CityAlight.
The objective of the event is to “come together as one people in Christ” to worship God, not merely to organise “a Christian concert”, Pastor Simon Murphy, Lead Pastor of RHC, told Salt&Light.
The objective of the event is to come together as one people in Christ to worship God.
“We hope that CityAlight’s God-honouring, theologically rich and musically beautiful songs will serve to spur churches here to sing, and even write, such songs in our churches.”
Pastor Christopher Chia, Senior Pastor at ARPC, said CityAlight has been “raised and blessed by God during the pandemic to reach a new generation with Bible-centred and Christ-centred songs for God’s glory”.
Their music has been a big part of the worship life of many churches in Singapore and the partnership between ARPC, RHC, and TRAC reflects that, agreed TRAC representative Pastor Benjamin Fong. TRAC refers to the 21 English-language Methodist churches in Singapore.
He believes this post-pandemic interdenominational worship seems “especially fitting”.
“Through their songs we sang the name of Jesus in our darkest times as a prayer of hope; through those same songs we’ll sing the name of Jesus as a prayer of thanksgiving on September 30,” said Pastor Benjamin.
Unity in worship
There is the “mistaken idea” that reformed churches are strong in Word ministries, while charismatics monopolise worship ministries, Pastor Chris added. It is a falsehood that has to be debunked, he pointed out.
“As with all things Gospel, it was God’s sovereign orchestration!” remarked Pastor Chris about the genesis of the event.
He had recently met CityAlight at a Getty’s SING! Conference and wanted to host them in Singapore when he discovered that RHC had a similar desire and were already exploring possible dates.
“Their music inspires us to be Spirit-filled people as we ‘sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’ (Ephesians 5:19) about Jesus to God’s glory.”
“Like many churches in Singapore, we have been greatly edified by CityAlight’s worship songs over the years,” Pastor Simon said. RHC had gotten connected with CityAlight through some church members who were collaborating on projects with them under the International Justice Mission, an anti-human trafficking NGO. Soon, TRAC joined the project as well.
Ticket sales have been brisk. The initial release of seats were sold out in just over 24 hours. Then, after an extra 1,400 seats were added, just over 500 spaces are left.
“I still recall with amusement how the band seemed sceptical that more than a few hundred would want to come for this worship night,” Pastor Stanley quipped, adding that the worship ministries across TRAC are particularly excited.
“They inspire us to be Spirit-filled people as we ‘sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs’ (Ephesians 5:19) about Jesus to God’s glory,” said Pastor Chris.
“We pray that God will use this wonderful partnership to spur individuals, families and churches to worship our way out of sinfulness into godliness by experiencing God in Word and spiritual songs.”
Added Pastor Benjamin: “I think that’s what pleases God – when we unite around the Saviour whose Name we bear.”

CityAlight will be coming to Singapore for one night of worship on Saturday, September 30.
Richard Thompson, songwriter at CityAlight, told Salt&Light that, apart from Newton Food Centre, the band is most looking forward to fellowshipping and worshipping together. He said: “It truly is such an honour to be able to come into a country where we’ve not been before and instantly be amongst family in Christ.
“For those attending the evening, we can’t wait to worship wth you. We’re planning (and rehearsing) a few special moments that we are looking forward to sharing with you.”
Tickets can be purchased here.
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