Day 39: Together in humility
A LoveSingapore 40.Day prayer and fast devotional, following 2022's theme of To Live Is Christ: A Journey Through the Book of Philippians.
LoveSingapore // August 8, 2022, 12:01 am

Bible reading for 40.DAY 2022 | Philippians 2:3–4
Since 1965, our beloved city-state has weathered many crises, internally and externally. But external shockwaves have never been so intense and insane as in recent years.
In the face of daunting uncertainties, decision-making has become more complex. To keep Singapore vibrant and exceptional, we desperately need wise and humble leaders who serve selflessly with a deep sense of purpose and in Singapore’s best interest.
External shockwaves have never been so intense and insane as in recent years.
1 Thank God for the example of our Founding Father, Mr Lee Kuan Yew. He lived his life for Singapore. He sought no honour or glory for himself. He never allowed a personality cult to grow around him. He only allowed his name to be used in causes that would serve the greater good. He opposed the idea of monuments to himself. He only wanted the ideals upon which he built our nation (multi-racialism, equality, meritocracy, integrity, the rule of law) to endure far beyond his lifetime. (The Straits Times, April 15, 2015)
2 Thank God for Mr Lee’s successors. So far they have followed his selfless example. They seek the welfare of the nation with no regard for personal name or fame. Such servant-leadership is as priceless as it is rare, a divine blessing that many of us have taken for granted. Repent for failing to acknowledge God’s good hand through leaders He ordained to govern our nation. Repent for grumbling. And for begrudging our government the respect and honour they deserve (Romans 13:7). Pray that in spite of us, this amazing grace and incredible favour will continue until the Day of the Lord.
Repent for failing to acknowledge God’s good hand through leaders He ordained to govern our nation.
3 Thank God for our 4G Team Leader, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong, whom God has positioned to succeed Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong in due time. Rejoice in the Lord for DPM’s public statements that so clearly reflect the values of the Kingdom. Turn DPM’s humble confessions into fervent intercession on his behalf:
“Throughout my life, I’ve never hankered for post, position or power. I’ve always been realistic about my own abilities and strengths. My philosophy in life, instilled by my parents from young – is that whatever task I’m assigned, I will give of my best. And if my best falls short – as it surely will from time to time – I try to learn, and I strive to improve, and do better.
“So I have never gone out looking for additional work, but somehow the work finds me. Over the last 25 years in public service, my duties and responsibilities have kept on growing …
“Now I will be taking on what would possibly be the biggest responsibility of my life. I am under no illusions about the demands of the job …
“Knowing full well that we will have to earn the right of leadership, I will continue with the same principles that have guided me all these years, which is to give of my best, to engage and listen, and to learn and improve continually.
“And as I have repeatedly emphasised, leadership, and political leadership is never about one person, it’s always about the entire team. Even a giant like Mr Lee Kuan Yew had a team. The same was true for Mr Goh Chok Tong, and now PM Lee. He has SM (Senior Minister) Teo, SM Tharman, and many others. So much more the case will be with me.” (Press conference | April 16, 2022)
Thank God for His work of grace so evident in DPM Lawrence Wong’s life.
4 Thank God for His work of grace so evident in DPM’s life. Humility comes before honour (Proverbs 18:12). God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). Pray that DPM will continue to clothe himself with humility towards all (1 Peter 5:5). Thank God for the many good things colleagues and friends have to say about DPM. Turn their affirmation into thanksgiving and intercession:
- He “puts his heart and soul into what he is doing and is never a seeker of credit or fanfare”. (Minister Ong Ye Kung | The Straits Times, April 16, 2022)
- He is “patient, listens hard, connects well with people and is intellectually honest while welcoming of vigorous debate … he’s calm under pressure, listens and consults widely … he is prepared to make tough, sometimes unpopular, judgment calls. And if those calls turn out to be wrong, he’s humble enough to admit the missteps and quick to learn from them”. (Professor Donald Low | The Straits Times, April 23, 2022)
5 Thank God for DPM’s sound thinking on faith at work. When asked how he took on the Covid-19 challenge, he said: “I suppose in the Methodist tradition, you would say your work is your worship, right? You don’t delink faith from day to day. Whatever you do on a day-to-day basis, if you do it well, if you take responsibility, that in itself is a testimony of how you as a person are an example, you know, a light for the world.” (‘Lunch With Sumiko’ | The Straits Times, November 1, 2020)
Ask God to surround DPM Wong with men and women of character and competence.
6 Thank God for His calling on DPM’s life: He chose David His servant … to be the shepherd of His people … And David shepherded them with integrity of heart, with skilful hands he led them (Psalm 78:70-72 NIV). As DPM leads the nation forward in humility, ask God to surround him with men and women of character and competence. Public servants who are like DPM: “serious, reliable, thorough, questioning, imaginative, always looking out for Singapore” (Lim Siong Guan). Pray for exceptional grace, wisdom, courage, and unity as DPM and the 4G Team plot the road map for the next decade and beyond. As the Spirit leads, pray also for their health, safety, and protection from all evil, whatever form it may take. Shalom.
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