40.day Archives — Salt&Light https://saltandlight.sg Equipping marketplace Christians to Serve and Lead Sat, 10 Aug 2024 03:17:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://saltandlight.sg/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/saltandlight-64x64-1.ico 40.day Archives — Salt&Light https://saltandlight.sg 32 32 (The unofficial) Day 41 Devotion: What now? https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/the-unofficial-day-41-devotion-what-now/ Fri, 09 Aug 2024 07:32:24 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124585 We have come to the end of our annual prayer season for Singapore, the 40.Days of Prayer. Congratulations! Whether you joined in for 1 day, or 1 week, or all 40 days, you were part of a national prayer movement. We hope you’ve enjoyed the spirit of the season – hearing voices from all denominations, […]

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We have come to the end of our annual prayer season for Singapore, the 40.Days of Prayer. Congratulations! Whether you joined in for 1 day, or 1 week, or all 40 days, you were part of a national prayer movement.

We hope you’ve enjoyed the spirit of the season – hearing voices from all denominations, church and parachurch, male and female, young and young at heart.

What do you do at the end of every great endeavour? The real work begins. 

What do you do at the end of every great endeavour?

Once you graduate, what do you do? You work. The real work begins. School was just preparation for the work.

Once you finish a marathon, what do you do? You build on it. You have reached a certain level of speed and fitness – so that the next time, you will be faster and fitter.

So what do we do, now that we’ve hit Day 41? There are 325 days to go until 40.Days 2025. We can’t down tools till then. Now the work begins; now we build on what we have come through.

Here are four things for you to prayerfully consider as we reach the end of this season of united prayer:

1. Don’t just pray about Turning Singapore Godward. Evangelise.

The late, great evangelist Reinhard Bonnke – founder of Christ for all Nations, which just celebrated its 50th year – said: “Praying for God to work is fine, but praying for Him to do what we should be doing is pointless.”

“Prayer is the battle in the spiritual realm. It must be followed by action in the physical realm.”

Another great evangelist, Leonard Ravenhill, said: “Prayer is the battle in the spiritual realm. It must be followed by action in the physical realm.”

When it comes to evangelism, yes, it is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict a sinner to salvation. But it is the work of the sinner’s friend to share the Gospel. How can anyone believe in one of whom they have not heard? How can they hear without someone preaching to them? (Romans 10:14)

Church, we heard from many speakers over the 40 Days emphasise that the fields in Singapore are ripe for the harvest. Don’t just talk and pray about evangelism. It is time to do the work. Get out there and share the Gospel!

2. Don’t just pray about Winning the Youth. Engage.

We heard about how churches must form healthy communities for the next generation.

We heard about how they are in need of mentors and role models in the faith.

We heard about how winning the youth starts at home here, here and here

My wife and I have learnt that, as parents, the best thing we can do for our children is to pray for them – but that alone won’t win their hearts. Same goes for the church. 

To keep our youth in church, the church must engage them in a manner that excites them about the faith. To win the youth beyond church walls, the church must adapt to become loving and lively communities where children and youths want to come and want to stay.

Without engaging the youth – be it through conversations, friendship, sports, recreation, whatever it takes! – we will never win the youth. Pray for the opportunity, then do it.

3. Don’t just pray about Blessing the Nations. Explore.

Singapore used to be a missionary-sending nation. In the early 1990s, we were the number one missionary-sending nation in the world! 

We sent out more than a thousand missionaries across all the continents. But by 2020, however, the number of missionaries had dropped by half, to about 516. And many of these are now in their 50s or older.

Two famous passages often cited in church remind us that we are called to bring our work of evangelism not just to our nation, but to the nations – to every people group.

In Mark 16:15, we are told to “go into the world and preach the Gospel to all creation”. 

In Matthew 28:19-20, we are told to “go and make disciples of all nations”. 

So … go! And you don’t have to wait until God downloads a specific nation. As Pastor Bill Wilson, who runs the global Metro World Child ministry reminds us, “the need is the call”. Find out where the needs are and explore the possibilities. 

Let the Antioch church arise

4. Don’t just pray for 40 days. Endure.

Honest confession: My monthly church prayer meetings were in a sad state up to a couple of years ago. Less than 5% of our adult congregation would show up to pray.

Aggrieved, we were stirred to do whatever we could, whatever it took to help church members make personal and corporate prayer a priority. We pleaded from Scripture; we shook up the prayer format to make the idea of prayer less daunting. Fan the flames! 

After more than a year of investing in equipping church members to pray, we’re seeing it bear fruit. During this past 40.Day 2024 season of prayer, we held weekly prayer meetings in which, for the first time ever, we had to open our extra section of seats for a prayer meeting.

As you see God moving in prayer, may it move you to action too.

We don’t want numbers for numbers’ sake. But we know that everyone attending chose, at least for that evening, to make prayer – our connection with God – their top priority.

But what happens at the next prayer meeting? After the rush, after this season? We’re hoping for more.

Because we have come to learn that everything else we do as Christians and as the Church is of secondary importance to prayer. Without prayer, we are essentially telling God that we want to do church and do life without Him in the picture.

The famed evangelist John Sung died 80 years ago, in 1944. In the 1930s, he came through Singapore 7 times, seeing thousands saved. 

He was known as an evangelist, but this is what he said about prayer in his last years:

“I deemed evangelism the most important work, but now I see that prayer is more important than anything. If there were 100 evangelistic teams in Southeast Asia that have tasted of the sweetness of prayer, the whole of Southeast Asia would turn to the Lord. If every church could have one of these teams, it would receive revival.” 

Prayer precedes the revival!

Don’t stop at Day 40 of prayer, said Ps Edric. Let Day 41 be the first day of a new, lifelong season of prayer.

So, to recap, this is what the 40 Days of prayer have taught me:

Pray. But don’t just pray. On top of prayer, we must:

  • Evangelise right where we are, in Singapore.
  • Engage the youth.
  • Explore how to bring the Gospel to the nations.
  • And finally, Endure – Persist – Devote yourself to prayer.

Don’t stop at Day 40. Let Day 41 be the first day of a new, lifelong season of prayer for you. And as you see God moving in prayer – may it move you to action, too. 

Dear God,

This is our prayer, just as it was the prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ: To do the work of Him who sends me.

In prayer, we speak to You, and You speak to us. You tell us not just about ourselves, but also about others – especially the many others who have yet to know You as Lord and Saviour.

We hear You, God. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours. Help us to not merely be hearers of the word, but doers also.

Here I am – send me, Lord.

In Jesus’ Name,


7 reasons why we must make church prayer meetings our top priority

Family Devotion Day 19: Action speaks louder than words!

Helping young (and older) Christians do evangelism today

“There is a hunger for the Word of God among young adults”: State of the Church Singapore 2023

The post (The unofficial) Day 41 Devotion: What now? appeared first on Salt&Light.

Family Devotion Day 40: It is time! https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/family-devotion-day-40-it-is-time/ Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:30:59 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124372 Read  Bible reading for Day 40  | Psalm 127:1 “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Learn Did you know a goldfish can only pay attention for nine seconds?  And people pay attention for even less time – […]

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Bible reading for Day 40  | Psalm 127:1

“Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”


Did you know a goldfish can only pay attention for nine seconds? 

And people pay attention for even less time – eight seconds! 

There are so many things in this world that take our attention away from God. But the Bible says we need to look at God, not other things, because we can do nothing well without Him. 

Unless God helps us “build our house”, our house will fall down. It is the same with everything else – unless God helps us do anything, what we do will not last. 

Sometimes we get so busy, we think we must finish all our work before sitting down to pray. But what we are busy with will be useless if we don’t do it with God and for God. 

Have you been giving God your attention? Prayer is one way to stay close to God our Father.

This is Day 40 of our Family Devotions. But it is not the last day. Keep praying that the Church of Singapore – yes, that includes you – will:

  • Turn Singapore Godward
  • Win the Youth
  • Bless the Nations

Great job in finishing 40 Days of praying every day with Christians in Singapore to build God’s Kingdom! 


1. Have you shared the Gospel with someone yet? It is time for you to just do it!

2. Will you promise to pray to God every day? Ask Him to help you talk to Him as soon as you open your eyes every morning, or before you go to sleep at night, or any time you want to talk to Him.


1. Pray that Singapore will turn to God. Ask Him for leaders who want to follow God’s ways and who love the people of Singapore.

2. Pray that the young people in Singapore will look for God and find Him. Ask God for a chance to invite your young friends to church where they can hear more about His love for them.

3. Ask God how you can bless people from other countries, whether it is to pray for them or to go with your church to their country to share the Gospel with them. 

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.

The post Family Devotion Day 40: It is time! appeared first on Salt&Light.

Day 40: The time is now! https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/day-40-the-time-is-now/ Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:30:01 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124365 Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Psalm 127:1 This is Day 40 of 40 Days. 40 Voices. 40 Prayers. Thank you for journeying with us over the last 39 days. I am sure we have gained insights, inspiration and instructions from the different pastors and leaders. A couple of months ago, there was a particular […]

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Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Psalm 127:1

This is Day 40 of 40 Days. 40 Voices. 40 Prayers.

Thank you for journeying with us over the last 39 days. I am sure we have gained insights, inspiration and instructions from the different pastors and leaders.

A couple of months ago, there was a particular week when my schedule was insanely packed out. I had different meetings and speaking engagements from Monday through Thursday. Then on Friday, there was Pray Singapore, our regular gathering of church leaders for prayer at St Andrew’s Cathedral.

Unless God is in it, our best works are in vain.

As I was preparing, the Holy Spirit reminded me that the prayer gathering was the most important event of the entire week. No matter how amped up I may feel towards Turning Singapore Godward, Winning The Youth and Blessing The Nations, unless God is in it, our best works are in vain.

In Psalm 127:1, the Bible says: “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.”

Note that the builders are labouring and the guards are standing watch. They are not lazy. They are not indifferent. They do not abdicate their responsibilities. Like many of us, we love Jesus and His Church, and we are willing to work hard.

But the psalmist says that unless the Lord builds the house and unless the Lord watches over the city, our best efforts are in vain.

The three focal points that God has given to the Singapore churches and Christ-followers are spiritual in nature. No amount of human effort alone can produce an ounce of spiritual fruit.

We need God. We need to seek God’s help, wisdom, guidance and strength in prayer.

Attention is the beginning of devotion

In the digital world that we live in, everyone and everything is vying for our attention.

In 2015, TIME magazine published an article stating that the average attention span for the notoriously ill-focussed goldfish is nine seconds, but according to a study from Microsoft, people now generally lose concentration after eight seconds.

Microsoft also found that since the year 2000 when the mobile revolution began, the average attention span of people has dropped from 12 seconds to eight seconds.

Jesus teaches the importance of abiding in Him, the importance of giving Him our attention and staying connected to Him.

We now have a shorter attention span than goldfish. This is quite laughable and sad at the same time!

In John 15, Jesus said in no unclear terms that, apart from Him, we can do nothing. 

Jesus teaches the importance of abiding in Him, the importance of giving Him our attention and staying connected to Him.

Jesus said to His disciples, including you and me:

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.” (John 15:4)

To be devoted to God and His purpose, we need to first give God our attention. And one of the ways to give God our attention is through prayer.  

Many of us have participated in Day of His Power this year. We gathered to pray in churches all across the north, south, east and west of Singapore. This is a beautiful picture of unity in Christ and dependence on God. Thank you for playing a vital part in the redemptive plan of God for Singapore.

Look to God in prayer

The time is now to Turn Singapore Godward. The time is now to Win the Youth. The time is now to Bless the Nations. And the time is definitely now to pray together!

Apart from Christ, we can do nothing.

Let us look to God in prayer!

Jesus, we need You! More than the air that we breathe, more than anything, we need You. Teach us to, first and foremost, devote ourselves to You. And as we do that, transform us and use us for Your glory. Thank You for Your amazing grace and goodness in our lives. 

In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen. 


Over the last 40 days:

1. How has God changed your heart for those who don’t yet know Jesus?

2. How will you pray for youths and families in Singapore?

3. What are some things God is leading you to do to turn Singapore Godward, win the youth and bless the nations?


1. Pray for a Godward Singapore. Ask for godly leadership, a people united in the desire to do good and be compassionate, a Church committed to sharing Gospel hope. Pray that God’s light will shine brightly in every area of darkness and every believer become an active ambassador of this light.

2. Pray earnestly for God to stir the hearts of young people across Singapore, drawing them to His grounding truth and unshakable hope. Pray for opportunities to invite them into church communities, small groups and worship services. Ask God to equip you and others with the ability to guide these young hearts in their spiritual journey.

3. As you seek to bless the nations, pray for the conviction and the courage to take the first step, whether it’s signing up for a short-term mission trip or finding other ways to serve God’s global Kingdom.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 9, 2024.

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Day of His Power 2024: 10,000 Christians, nine churches, one body before God https://saltandlight.sg/news/day-of-his-power-2024-10000-christians-nine-churches-one-body-before-god/ Thu, 08 Aug 2024 15:50:38 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124920 In an atmosphere thick with hunger for a move of God, a joyful noise of praise and worship rang out from nine churches on Day of His Power (DOHP). A total of 10,371 believers – 30% more than in 2023 – came together as one body of Christ to worship God and to pray at […]

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In an atmosphere thick with hunger for a move of God, a joyful noise of praise and worship rang out from nine churches on Day of His Power (DOHP).

A total of 10,371 believers – 30% more than in 2023 – came together as one body of Christ to worship God and to pray at English DOHP (August 8) and Chinese DOHP (August 9).

Kum Yan Methodist Church’s first time as a DOHP regional centre drew 750 prayer warriors. Photo courtesy of Kum Yan Methodist Church.

Even with two new locations added, believers packed out the nine regional centres across Singapore: Victory Family Centre (VFC) and Living Sanctuary Brethren Church (LSBC) in the north; Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church (BBTC), Faith Community Baptist Church (FCBC), Kum Yan Methodist Church and Lighthouse Evangelism in the east; Church of our Saviour (COOS), Hope Singapore and Grace Assembly of God in the west.

Abide in Jesus

The evening of August 8 kicked off with thanksgiving to God for His faithfulness over Singapore and for the unity of the Church in Singapore. DOHP 2024 took a deep dive into the three strategic thrusts of Turning Singapore Godward, Winning the Youth and Blessing the Nations. 

Lighthouse Evangelism was packed tonight, with 894 gathered to pray. Photo courtesy of Lighthouse Evangelism.

“The three focuses that God has given to Singapore churches and Christ followers are spiritual in nature,” LoveSingapore Chairman Pastor Jeff Chong said in a video address to the Church gathered in the nine regional centres.

“No amount of human effort alone can produce an ounce of spiritual fruit. We need God. We need to seek God’s help, wisdom, guidance, and strength in prayer.”

Ps Jeff urged the Church to abide in Jesus, to give Him attention and to stay connected to Him.

No Christian is too young to come before God in prayer. Victory Family Centre saw 701 people, young and old, come together before God. Photo courtesy of VFC.

“In John 15, Jesus said in no unclear terms that apart from Him, we can do nothing (John 15:4),” he reminded the Church. This is especially critical in the digital age we live in, where everyone and everything is vying for our attention, he said.  

The time is now 

Believers across Singapore came before God in self-reflection and repentance before turning to prayers targeted at the three areas of focus. 

Pastor Edric Sng, Deputy Senior Pastor at BBTC, emphasised – in a video address to the believers gathered tonight – the necessity of a Church united in purpose and of every single Christian to embrace the Great Commission.

Bethesda Bedok-Tampines saw 1,500 gathered in fervent prayer tonight. Photo courtesy of BBTC.

“What would it take to move the percentage of Christians in Singapore from 18.9% Christian to 20% by the next official census in 2030?” he asked.

Let’s fill our church and pews with new believers. If we all do this, we will shift the needle, we will turn Singapore Godward.

“If every church or Christian fellowship aims to grow by 10% between now and 2030, we will reach the 20% mark,” he said. That would work out to about 15,000 new converts each year.

However, he challenged the Church to aim for 20% growth: “The more souls saved, the better. 

“Let’s fill our church and pews with new believers. If we all do this, we will shift the needle, we will turn Singapore Godward,” Ps Edric urged. 

A church united

The blessing and Spirit of God flowed through the nine centres tonight amidst the unity of the body. Among the 9,000 plus believers were more than 55 pastors from 28 churches who united to lead the prayer segments. 

Coming together, all 1,051 believers, to pray at Faith Community Baptist Church. Photo courtesy of FCBC.

Pastors from 10 other churches gathered in the northern region with VFC and LSBC: Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church, Church of Ascension, The City, Glad Tidings Church, Life Centre, Praise Evangelical Church, and Sembawang Assembly of God.

At Living Sanctuary Brethren Church, 1,389 gathered to pray for the nation and one another.

In the east, 20 pastors and leaders from 15 churches joined host churches BBTC, FCBC, Lighthouse and Kum Yan Methodist: Bethesda Cathedral, Bethesda Community, Bedok Methodist Church, Calvary Assembly of God, Emmanuel Assembly of God,  Every Nation Church, Glory Sanctuary, Katong Presbyterian Church,  New Life Church, Pentecost Methodist Church and VFC. Retired Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Singapore Bishop Emeritus Rennis Ponniah closed the evening at BBTC with a prayer for believers to be centred on Christ and gave the benediction.

The 933 that came, all decked in red and white, to pray at Grace Assembly of God, a new DOHP location this year. Photo courtesy of Grace Assembly of God.

Hands outstretched, hearts ablaze at Church of Our Saviour tonight, which saw 1,460 in attendance. Photo courtesy of COOS.

Leading the prayer segments with COOS, Grace Assembly of God and Hope Singapore in the western region of Singapore were 14 pastors from 13 churches, including 3:16 Church, Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel, Covenant Evangelical Free Church, Jurong Christian Church, Queenstown Baptist Church, St John’s-St Margaret’s Church, Shekinah Assembly of God, True Way Presbyterian Church,  and VFC.

In keeping with the tradition at DOHP, all nine centres wrapped up the evening of prayer with the Singapore National Anthem. 

The time is now 

In the 30 years since LoveSingapore started this annual gathering of prayer, DOHP has grown from strength to strength.

Hope Church at Jurong West gathered 589 people in prayer.

Attendance at this year’s DOHP was 30% more than 2023, and an 80% jump from 2022, reflecting the intensifying urgency of prayer in these times.

On August 9 at 10am, Chinese DOHP took place at Church of Our Saviour, drawing 1,104 – double the number in 2023 – Christians to unite in worship and prayer.

Church of Our Saviour welcomed 1,104 Mandarin prayer warriors on the morning of National Day.

“We must wake up from our spiritual slumber. We can no longer live in a business-as-usual fashion. We must catch God’s heart and know the Kairos timing we are living in,” Ps Jeff exhorted in the opening day of LoveSingapore’s 40.Day Season of Prayer that kicked off on July 1.

Day of His Power is the culmination of the 40.Day Season of Prayer, taking place each year during the National Day period.


Day of His Power 2023: Voices across Singapore ring out in praise and prayer

“God will do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine”: Day of His Power to gather Christians nationwide to pray for Singapore

“Many in the Chinese-speaking community are waiting for the Good News!”: Pastor Chern Hock Chye at Mandarin Day of His Power 2023


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Family Devotion Day 39: Jesus’ greatest passion  https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/family-devotion-day-39-jesus-greatest-passion/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 16:30:14 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124359 Read  Bible reading for Day 39  | Matthew 28:18-20 “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching […]

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Bible reading for Day 39  | Matthew 28:18-20

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’”


Matthew 28: 18-20 is called the Great Commission. It is Jesus’ call to all Christians, young and old, to go and tell everyone in every country on earth about God. 

The are 5 P’s about the Great Commission:

The main Players. Who is Jesus talking to in The Great Commission? He is talking to us – we are the main players whom He tells to go and make disciples!

The main Power. Where do we get the power to persuade people to believe in Jesus? Our authority, or power, comes from Jesus Christ Himself.

The main Purpose. There are four action words in verse 19: “Go”, “baptise”, “make” and “teach”. Can you guess which is the most important?  It is “make”. We “go”, “baptise” and “teach” so that we can “make” disciples. Disciples are not just those who are baptised or who go to church or who read the Bible. Disciples are those who study God’s Word and live as God’s people. 

The main People. Who does Jesus want us to make into disciples? All the different people from the different countries in the whole world! When everyone hears about the Gospel, Jesus will come again!

The main Passion. God’s passion is to gather everyone to worship Him together. 

God shows us in Revelations 5:9 the wonderful picture of a complete Church when the Great Commission is finished. 

May Singapore go, baptise and make disciples of every country in the world until Jesus comes again! 


1. God loves people, not countries. Do you know people living in Singapore who have not yet heard of Jesus?

2. What can you do to be a disciple of Jesus, and not just a believer?


1. Pray for Jesus’ power to be with missionaries, or those who go to faraway countries just to tell people the Gospel.

2. Pray that the churches in Singapore will send more missionaries to places where people have not yet heard about Jesus.

3. Pray that all believers will be brave to obey God’s call to make disciples.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.

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Day 39: The Great Commission revisited https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/day-39-the-great-commission-revisited/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 16:30:04 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124352 Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Matthew 28:18-20 Let us read Matthew 28:18-20 and ask the Holy Spirit to give us fresh insights into this familiar but vital passage of Scripture. “Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples […]

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Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Matthew 28:18-20

Let us read Matthew 28:18-20 and ask the Holy Spirit to give us fresh insights into this familiar but vital passage of Scripture.

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’” (Matthew 28:18-20)

Now let’s take a good look at what it says to all of us.

1. The main Players of the Great Commission

“Then Jesus came to them …”

To whom was this Great Commission given? The disciples of Christ. We are the main players in this vital game of world missions!

The whole Church must be mobilised to be a part of God’s redemptive plan. 

It takes the whole Church to bring the whole Gospel to the whole world. 

2. The main Power Base of the Great Commission

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me …”

Where is the power base for the Great Commission?

The main power base of the Great Commission is not the Church or the mission agency but Christ Himself!

We often begin with the question: “How can the Church finish this task?”  

By so doing, we have made the Church the main power base for missions, but the power source is really found in the fact that: “All authority in heaven and on earth is given to Me.  Therefore go …”

The main power base of the Great Commission is not the Church or the mission agency but Christ Himself!

And He promised us: “And surely I will be with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Why this promise of God’s presence? Because the task is not easy. The disciples will face intense spiritual warfare in wanting to wrestle souls from the powers of darkness.  

But by the power of God, this task of world missions will be finished!

3. The main Purpose of the Great Commission

There are four action verbs in the Great Commission: “Go”, “baptise”, “make” and “teach”.  

Of these four, three are what we call “helping verbs” and only one is an “imperative verb”.

This is the one that all the rest are helping to fulfil. The imperative verb is not “go”, “baptise” or “teach”, but it is “make”.

This means that we “go”, we “teach”, we “baptise” only to fulfil the ultimate purpose which is to “make disciples”.

The final measurement of the Great Commission is not: “How many went on the mission trip?” Or “How many responded to the altar call?” Or “How many were baptised?” Or “How many came to our teaching conference?”

But: How many became true disciples of Jesus Christ?

Until we have made disciples, we have not fulfilled the Great Commission.

4. The main Pursuit of the Great Commission

“… make disciples of all nations …”

The word “nation” is the Greek word “ta ethne” from the root word “ethnos” which literally means “people groups”.

So, this word is really referring to ethnic groups and not geographical nations like Singapore or Malaysia or Australia.

This is a critical missiological truth because Jesus told us in Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations (ethnic groups), and then the end will come.”

This is the clearest sign in the Bible to signal the Second Coming of Christ.  

When this Gospel of the Kingdom reaches all the ethnic groups of the world, “then the end will come”!

5. The main Passion of the Great Commission

What is at the heart of the Great Commission?

I think it is the Father-Heart of God for the lost and our desire to bring glory to His Name.

God’s desire is to gather unto Himself a Body that is made up of every tongue, tribe, nation and peoples to worship the King of Kings.

The goal is not only for people to be saved, but that they will become worshippers.

I like what John Piper said: “Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exist because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man. When this age is over, and the countless millions of the redeemed fall on their faces before the throne of God, missions will be no more. It is a temporary necessity. But worship abides forever. Worship therefore is the fuel and goal of missions.”

The goal is not only for people to be saved, but that they will become worshippers.

“Missions exist only because worship doesn’t.”

Revelations 5:9 paints us the vision of the finished task: “And they sang a new song: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood you purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.’”

May the Lord give the Church in Singapore new eyes to see God’s heart for this lost world and an Antioch passion to go and bless the nations. And The Time Is Now!

Let us pray:

Father, I pray in Jesus’ name that through this short time we have together, open our eyes to see Your heart for the lost world. We pray that You will make the Singapore Church a Church that carries an Antioch passion to want to take Your Gospel to the ends of the earth until every people, every tongue, every tribe, every nation is represented before Your throne of grace, worshipping our King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


1. How has your view of missions shifted, knowing that the “nations” in Matthew 28:18 refers to ethnic groups rather than geographical locations?

2. “The goal is not only for people to be saved but that they will become worshippers.” How will your Gospel message change if you aim to transform non-believers into – not just saved individuals – but lifelong worshippers?

3. How will you pray over missionaries and mission agencies, remembering that “the main power base of the Great Commission is not the Church or the mission agency but Christ Himself”?


1. Pray for our worship to be so authentic, so transformative, so joyful, that we long to share the Lord whom we worship with those who lack it. “We must never rest until everything inside us worships God.” (AW Tozer)

2. Pray for obedience and courage to heed God’s call to leave our comfort zones to seek and save the lost. Ask for Christ’s love for the lost to fill us and overflow into an urgency and compulsion to share the Gospel with those who don’t know it.

3. Pray that God will so enlarge the vision of the Singapore Church beyond our immediate circumstances that we eagerly respond to, and rejoice in, God’s work everywhere, within our nation and beyond.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 9, 2024.

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Day 38: A Church united for the nations https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/day-38-a-church-united-for-the-nations/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 16:30:34 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124340 Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is For brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1) Where there is unity, God commands a blessing. Often we think of unity around a cause, a style, or an agenda. But that is uniformity. Unity is not the same […]

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Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Psalm 133:1

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1)

Where there is unity, God commands a blessing.

Often we think of unity around a cause, a style, or an agenda. But that is uniformity. Unity is not the same as uniformity. 

Uniformity deals with appearance; unity deals with the heart.

To bless the nations, let us first be a blessing to our brother, our sister, to one another.

Uniformity deals with appearance; unity deals with the heart.

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35)

We will be a blessing to the nations – not by our efficiency, not by our generosity, not by our excellence – but by our love for one another.

Unity is not a flag, or a brand, or even a cause. True unity is centred on relationship and how we treat each other.

First of all, are we aligned in our will, mind, body and soul?

It’s hard to have unity among one another in the body of Christ if we have tension within ourselves.

Our lives become a façade, a performance, when we try to live it in compartments.

Instead of thinking: What hat do I need to put on? think: How can I be the best version of Andrew that God intended – as a father, a husband, a son, an employee. 

Then we would be the same person in public and in private.

3 ways to achieve unity 

1. Surrender fears and seek God for healing

There was a time when I would wake up every morning at 7am, read the Word, and lie in bed, asking God: “Father, who am I and what do you want me to do?” 

I would hear God speak, and His word would bring peace and healing, creating in me love and joy that I had never experienced before.

2. Build unity amongst the brethren

Are we united with those who are meant to be closest to us? Have we forgiven those who have hurt us? Have we resolved past conflicts that have been swept under the carpet for years? 

It is a pointless cause trying to be a blessing to the nations when we can’t be a blessing to our brother.

How do we know there’s unity? There’s peace when we  think about that person. We can share a meal together, we can pray a blessing over each other.

A great way to tell if there’s unity is when we can serve one another in love. Surrender self, serve others.

Let not my will, but Yours be done.

3. Desire that commanded blessing!

True unity commands a blessing. 

A member of our church highlighted this to me recently. She said: “I see you pastoring the church, I see your eldest daughter caring for the babies and I see your helper, Anita, always with a group of Filipino ladies following around her.”

We didn’t intend to set it up this way; we didn’t ask for my daughter or my helper to care for babies or other Filipinos. But I thank God for His commanded blessing.

To be a blessing to our nations, let’s fight for true unity among ourselves, with our brothers, and especially with those in our homes.

Let’s pray.

Father we thank You for this beautiful nation of Singapore. We thank You, God, that You have called and have chosen us to be a blessing to the nations. 

Father God, we lift up every person, every church, right now, that there would be a pursuit and a desire for unity among ourselves within the church, and that there will be a commanded blessing when we pursue unity above all. 

Father we thank You that, as You bless this nation, there will be an outpouring, an overflow, of blessings that will touch nations all over the globe. Father bless the Church and bless Your people. We lift You up above every other name. We thank You, we love You, we honour You. 

In Jesus’ most precious name we pray. Amen.


1. In what ways can you seek unity among Christian brothers and sisters who may come from a different church culture?

2. Unity is developed not only by extending positive acts but also by stopping negative behaviours. Have you caught yourself nursing a heart of prejudice, selfishness or complaint? Will you pray instead for a spirit of love, generosity and praise?

3. What hurts and wounds do you need to surrender to God today in order to have a heart of forgiveness and unity?


1. Pray for unity and peace to abound among the diverse people and different generations who make Singapore their home, especially in this year of leadership change. Contend for the destiny of Singapore that He may cause our nation to walk in and choose the path of righteousness, wisdom and compassion, that we may “stand perfect and fully assured in all the will of God”. (Colossians 4:12) 

2. Pray for a personal desire to live out the Gospel not just in belief but also in behaviour. Commit the people in your life to the Lord, praying for and seeking their good.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 9, 2024.

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Family Devotion Day 38: What does “one united people” mean? https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/family-devotion-day-38-what-does-one-united-people-mean/ Tue, 06 Aug 2024 16:30:32 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124346 Read  Bible reading for Day 38  | Psalm 133:1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!” Learn God loves unity among His people. What is unity? Unity is having love and kindness in our hearts for each other. Wherever God sees unity, He pours out His blessing.  […]

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Bible reading for Day 38  | Psalm 133:1

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brothers to live together in unity!”


God loves unity among His people. What is unity? Unity is having love and kindness in our hearts for each other. Wherever God sees unity, He pours out His blessing. 

God Himself is a unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit working together.  

But unity is not the same as uniformity. Uniformity means everyone is the same – wearing the same thing, doing the same thing, saying the same thing. 

God did not make us all the same, but He wants us to be united. 

To bless other people, we must first keep the unity in the family of God. 

Here are 3 ways we can be united with other people: 

1. Bring any fears or hurts to God so that He can bring healing 

If there are any quarrels, ask God to help the people exchange anger for forgiveness.

2. Care for others

Think of others before ourselves. Be a good friend, child, schoolmate, or neighbour.

You will know there is unity with someone else when you can happily have lunch together, when you can pray for one another, when you can help one another willingly.

3. Pray for the blessing that God pours out when there is unity

 Unity pleases God. Only if we are united can we be a blessing to others. 


1. What does unity look like in a family?

2. What does unity look like among friends?

3. Our pledge includes the words: “One united people.” What does unity look like in a country? 


1. Pray that there will be unity and peace among Christians in churches, and among the different people and different generations in Singapore. 

2. Pray that God gives you a heart to want to live like Jesus, not just in what you say but also in the way you behave.

3. Pray for the people you know – your family and friends – and ask for blessings over their work, their friendships and their life.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.

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Day 37: You were born for a purpose https://saltandlight.sg/devotional/day-37-you-were-born-for-a-purpose/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:30:20 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124320 Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Romans 10:13-14 Jesus has entrusted us with the Gospel to change human destinies and human lives. We cannot take that lightly. The Gospel is not just a message that makes people’s lives better, but a message that pulls people from the depths of hell. Many are ready to hear […]

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Bible reading for 40.DAY 2024 | Romans 10:13-14

Jesus has entrusted us with the Gospel to change human destinies and human lives. We cannot take that lightly.

The Gospel is not just a message that makes people’s lives better, but a message that pulls people from the depths of hell.

Many are ready to hear the Gospel, but fewer are ready to preach the Gospel. Are you called to preach the Gospel?

Many are ready to hear the Gospel, but fewer are ready to preach the Gospel. Are you called to preach the Gospel?

Let me tell you a story about me. I didn’t think I had what it takes. I thought I wasn’t Gospel material.

But the truth is, when I saw the need on the streets of Singapore – people walking past me and knowing they were not yet saved – my heart was moved with compassion like Jesus.

I knew I had to bring the Gospel to my school or to anyone who would listen. 

For the past year I have been preaching the Gospel to complete strangers online and beyond Singapore in Asia, America and Africa.

And I realised that, though I didn’t feel ready, the truth was that I was ready, because all I needed was to know the Gospel. 

You are the vessel to carry the light

Jesus has readied and commissioned us to go.

As He said in Matthew 28:18-19: “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”  

When Jesus was speaking here, He wasn’t speaking to top Bible school students; He was speaking to fishermen.

This is a commandment for all, not just evangelists or pastors. Sharing the Gospel is not an option; it is a commandment!  

Either we live out the Word of God or we live in rebellion.

The Church has to be a lifeboat rescuing the perishing, not a cruise ship recruiting the promising. 

Sharing the Gospel is not an option; it is a commandment!  

If you have truly caught God’s heart for the lost, you cannot live a normal life. 

A lot of people don’t want to give up their lives for Jesus. But each one of us is anointed to preach the Gospel. 

As the Bible tells us, the Spirit of the Lord has anointed us to preach the Gospel, to set the captives free. (Luke 4:18)

Don’t let your fear of man or fear of failure overshadow God’s call.

Obedience is not birthed out of convenience. Jesus isn’t asking you to do something easy. But He will empower you with boldness to do it, to be bold enough in the middle of opposition and inconvenience.

You should be thinking: What would it profit me to gain the world, but in doing so, see my friends lose their soul? (Mark 8:36)

You were called for such a time as this. You were born in this generation for a purpose! You are placed in this nation for a calling!

The late Reinhard Bonnke, founder of Christ For All Nations, once said: “Jesus does not sit with sitters and sleep with sleepers, but He goes with goers and works with workers.”

Obedience is not birthed out of convenience. Jesus isn’t asking you to do something easy. But He will empower you with boldness.

Look up! The field is ripe for harvest, wherever you are in this world. Your family, friends and neighbours need to know Jesus. And you are the vessel to carry the light to these people.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl.” (Matthew 5:14-15)

So let us pray:

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You that everyone hearing this is anointed to preach the Gospel and to set the captives free. I pray that where there is fear and intimidation, there shall be a greater spirit of boldness. When people go out and preach the Gospel, may they see salvation, signs, wonders and miracles and their lives will never, ever be the same. Lord Jesus, we honour Your work on the cross and we thank You for it.

In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


1. “Jesus has readied and commissioned us to go.” Looking back on your life, how has God readied and prepared you to share the Gospel?

2. Who are the “captives” in Isaiah 61:1-3? Who are the “captives” you see around you today?

3. What fears or concerns do you have when you think about missions either in Singapore or in the nations? How do you see these concerns in the light of Luke 4:18, that says the Spirit of the Lord has anointed us to preach the Gospel and to set the captives free?


1. Pray for your speech, actions and choices to win those in your circle of influence for Christ.

2. Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Act 2:17) upon the communities and nations you have been sent to preach the Gospel, believing that God desires them to come to His saving grace.

3. Pray over Matthew 4:19“Then He said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” First, we follow Christ, and then we become fishers of men. Commit to higher discipline, a deeper prayer life, more devoted study of His Word in order that we may boldly step into our role as fishers of men.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily devotions until August 9, 2023.

The post Day 37: You were born for a purpose appeared first on Salt&Light.

Family Devotion Day 37: You are you for a reason! https://saltandlight.sg/40-day/family-devotion-day-37-you-are-you-for-a-reason/ Mon, 05 Aug 2024 16:30:10 +0000 https://saltandlight.sg/?p=124334 Read  Bible reading for Day 37  | Romans 10:13-14 “For, ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone […]

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Bible reading for Day 37  | Romans 10:13-14

“For, ‘everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?”


The Gospel is not just Good News. It is the most important news. It is a message that can save people forever.

That is why we cannot take the Gospel lightly. Jesus has called all of us to share this News so that people can know of Him, believe in Him, call on Him and be saved by Him. This all starts with someone telling them the Gospel. 

It may not be easy. You may not be believed. You may even be laughed at. But Jesus has given you the power to be brave for Him. God has promised in the Bible that His Word has the power to change people’s hearts and save them from Satan.  

You do not need to be an expert on the Bible or be a Pastor to tell people about Jesus. All you need to tell them is: Jesus died for our sins and He rose again so that all who believe in and receive Him will be saved and will live forever. All you need is the Spirit of God to give power to your words. 

So look up and look around. Wherever you are – in school, at home, on the streets – see the people who may not be saved because they do not know Jesus. You have the power to change their lives with the Gospel! 

God made you for this reason. Don’t waste your life! 


1. Can you think of a Bible character who shared the Gospel? What did he or she tell people?

2. How has God prepared you to share the Good News? Has He given you friends and neighbours to share the Gospel with? Has He given you a knowledge of Mandarin or another language that you can use when talking to those who speak that language?

3. What is stopping you from sharing the Gospel? Will you pray to Jesus to remove these worries? 


1. Pray that God will help you to speak and behave kindly so that people around you can see God’s love and wisdom through you.

2. Ask God to help your words carry His power to change lives when you talk about Jesus.

3. Pray that God will give you more time with Him, reading the Bible and talking to Him, so that you are prepared when someone asks you to share about Jesus.

Follow Salt&Light on TelegramFacebook or Instagram for more of LoveSingapore’s daily family devotions until August 9, 2024.

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