6 means of grace for tired souls to enter into rest
by Christine Leow // August 21, 2023, 5:45 pm

"Sabbath has three characteristics – rest, which includes sleep, ceasing from work and worshipping God," says Rev Dr Tan Siang Yang. Photo by Vlada Karpovich.
When Rev Dr Tan Siang Yang was writing a book about rest many years ago, he was anything but at rest.
He had a deadline but not even an outline. He sought God in prayer and waited a few hours but still received nothing.
As he walked the tranquil grounds of a retreat area in Los Angeles where he lives, Rev Dr Tan sat down and quietly watched ants going about their day.

Rev Dr Tan shared from science, spiritual experiences and Scripture on how to find rest in this life.
“I just started meditating on ants and then I prayed, ‘Lord, help me. I have just entered a very busy period. I’m writing a book on rest. So can you speak to me and guide me, Lord?”
Out of that moment of resting in God, Rev Dr Tan was able to come up with an outline for the book.
At a two-day seminar Bringing Healing and Wholeness to Families in Pain, the Senior Pastor Emeritus of First Evangelical Church Glendale in the US, who is also a clinical psychologist, offered insights into how to find rest in God.
Here are the means of grace he shared. You can read Part 1 here where he talked about three other means of grace.
1. Simplicity
Simplicity is to live relatively free of covetousness or greed.
Rev Dr Tan told the story of a missionary friend from the Philippines who was earning his doctorate degree at Fuller Theological Seminary many years ago.
“Jesus says you cannot serve God and mammon. Mammon is the god of money.”
The man came from a wealthy family but chose to live in a one-bedroom dormitory, sleeping on a mattress. His relatives wanted to buy him a bed but he firmly refused.
“The money his rich relatives gave to support him, he gave almost all of it away to the poor and to other missionaries.
“He explained, ‘I live simply that others may simply live.’ When he said that, it brought tears to my eyes.”
Offering a different perspective on money, Rev Dr Tan quoted founder of non-profit organisation Eternal Perspectives Ministries Randy Alcom: “You cannot take money with you but you can send it on ahead.”
Rev Dr Tan added: “The money is not yours. It belongs to God, every cent of it. Give away as much as you can. I challenge you. Don’t live like the average person in this society.
“Jesus says you cannot serve God and mammon. Mammon is the god of money.”
2. Sabbath
Sabbath is not supposed to be a legalistic, oppressive commandment. It is meant to give you rest one day a week, said Rev Dr Tan.
“Take the Sabbath seriously. It will do your soul and your body and your mind a lot of good.”
“God says, ‘I give you a holy day.’ You get a holiday every seventh day in a week. Wow, sure!
“Even God rested from His creative work one day a week.
“It is not a suggestion from God. He commands it because He knows that if He doesn’t command it, we will never follow it.”
Sabbath has three characteristics:
- Rest, which includes sleep
- Ceasing from work
- Worshipping God
Rev Dr Tan noted that, according to Jewish practice, Sabbath began from sundown the day before to sundown the next day. In fact, the Jews centred their entire week around Sabbath. For three days after Sabbath, they looked back at the Sabbath past and lingered over its effects. For three days before Sabbath, they looked forward to Sabbath. They lived for the Sabbath.
“If you cannot take the whole 24 hours off, at least take 12 hours off, morning to night. Take baby steps.
“My bottom line is take the Sabbath seriously, creatively. Choose one day a week to really rest, take off from work and to really worship God, almost like a little retreat with God.
“It will do your soul and your body and your mind a lot of good.”
3. Spiritual community
We are not created to be alone. In the beginning, God was already three in one – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
“Spiritual direction is just one more mature Christian guiding a younger Christian to work more deeply with God.”
Being created in His image, we are meant to be in a community. Koinonia, or Christian fellowship, is crucial (Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 12).
That spiritual community is important because we are “resting places for one another”. It begins with our families – husbands and wives, parents and siblings – and extends to spiritual friendships and spiritual direction.
“Spiritual direction simply means that you meet with another person in a prayerful relationship seeking God to discern His will, His way and His word for you.
“It is different from counselling. It’s not problem centred, it’s life centred. It’s just a more mature Christian guiding a younger Christian to work more deeply with God.”
4. Servanthood
Servanthood, the opposite of being self-serving, is about being a servant of Jesus Christ.
There are nine characteristics of true service:
1. It comes from a relationship with God as you abide in Christ.
2. It does not distinguish small from large service.
3. It rests contented in hiddenness.
4. It is free of the need to calculate results. “The results are God’s business.”
5. It is indiscriminate in ministry, ministering to everyone.
6. It is simple and faithful, serving because there is a need.
7. It is a lifestyle for life.
8. It is done freely, withholding nothing.
9. It builds community, not fractures it. There is no competition, jealousy or envy.
When you have these characteristics, you “don’t worry about these things – you relax, you rest”.
5. Stress management
“God can take the stress of our lives and turn it into rest and turn it into good,” said Rev Dr Tan.
To manage stress, the Bible offers several principles:
1. Think biblically (Romans 12)
2. Seek God first (Matthew 6:19-34)
3. Go to Jesus for rest (Mathew 11:28-30, Mark 6:31)
4. Value love instead of success (1 Corinthians 13)
“God is your secret to rest. Not success.”
“In Habakkuk 3:17-19, it says that even though the fig tree doesn’t blossom, there’s no herd in the stall, everything else that can go wrong has gone wrong, but yet I will rejoice in the Lord, my God. I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.
“That’s the secret. God is your secret to rest. Not success.”
Rev Dr Tan added: “Success is not measured by numbers. Success is not measured by excellence. The Bible has more to do with faithfulness, with love, with humility, with obedience, with God’s grace, with the Holy Spirit’s presence. That’s true success.
“We must have the faith to face failure because failure is oftentimes God’s backdoor to true success.”
5. Pray with thanksgiving (Philippians 4:5-7)
We are able to do this as Christians because of Romans 8:28.
“Paul says something very, very radical here. He says that ‘for I know, I’m 100% convinced’, that in all things without exception, God works together everything for good for those of us who are called according to His purpose.
“Even your sin, even your mistakes, even screw-ups, even marital conflict, even difficult challenges – fill in the blanks all the stuff that you can think about – God will take everything good, the bad, the ugly, and He will put it all together and He’ll turn everything for good.”
Rev Dr Tan compared this to a tapestry where God sees the handiwork and we, for now, see the messy underside.
6. Security eternal
Security eternal comes from the hope of heaven that is to come.
“Paul says, ‘For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.’ (Romans 8:18)
“When you think of heaven often, you will continue to endure. That, too, is part of rest.”
“So the proper biblical conclusion, then, is to be heavenly-minded enough in order to be of earthly good.”
He encouraged participants to “take at least half an hour every day to think of everlasting rest”.
“Look to the glory that you will have in heaven in terms of God’s glory, to the future of worshipping God forever before the Lord’s throne.
“No more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears, no more suffering, no more cancer, no more high blood pressure, no more heart attacks, no more depression, no more anxiety, no more.
“And yes, more joy, more peace, more perfect love. When you think of heaven often, you will continue to endure. That, too, is part of rest.”
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