“Our God is still doing extraordinary works in our midst”: 5 churches partner for HEAL Singapore rally
by Christine Leow // September 26, 2023, 10:25 pm

Ps Pacer Tan announces the launch of HEAL Singapore on behalf of the organising committee. All photos courtesy of Lighthouse Evangelism unless otherwise stated.
It started with dizziness that would not go away and an inability to maintain his balance.
At first, Ps Pacer Tan, Senior Pastor of Lighthouse Evangelism, thought it was just the after-effects of the cruise he and his family had been on.
But months went by and there was no improvement, so he decided to go for a scan.
It showed a brain tumour on the right side of his head.
Six years on, he still remembers the diagnosis vividly: “It was an acoustic neuroma tumour, affecting the balance and facial nerves.
“While it was not cancerous, the surgeon cautioned that if it kept growing bigger, there could be serious health dangers.”
All-surpassing peace
Ps Pacer and his family remained resolute. “I was surprised but I had inner peace.
“Amazingly, and by God’s providence, I knew deep in my soul that I was going to be healed by the Lord.
“I knew deep in my soul that I was going to be healed by the Lord.”
“My wife was saddened but resolved to help take care of me during the process.”
His church and friends rallied around him. Different cell groups dedicated time to pray for his healing. A close pastor friend got his church to pray for Ps Pacer at their prayer meetings.
Nine months later, Ps Pacer had another MRI scan.
“My surgeon told me, ‘Mr Tan, good news! Your tumour is dead.’
“Praise God for His healing hand!” he declared. “I had gone for one gamma ray treatment in that time. Apart from that, there had been no other procedure.”
The God who heals
Ps Pacer is no stranger to the miracle of healing. For over four decades, Lighthouse Evangelism, founded by his father Ps Rony Tan, has been conducting weekly healing services called Miracle Service.
Said Ps Pacer: “At my church, we have seen countless healings and miracles in the last few decades.
“Through the power of God displayed, many have come to the saving knowledge of Christ. And this is all taking place in one local church community alone.
“We want to see many more believers live out the full Gospel.”
“Imagine if a host of churches were to begin manifesting the supernatural works of the Holy Spirit. What an incredible season that would be for our land!”
Such is the vision of HEAL Singapore, an evangelistic healing rally slated for October 13 to 14. Partnering Lighthouse Evangelism in the work are 3:16 Church, Bethesda Cathedral, Glory Sanctuary and Hope Church, as well as Jesus Heal Me and Salt&Light.
“We want to see many more believers live out the full Gospel, tapping into the power that is at work through the Holy Spirit, bringing healing to the community.
“This should be the lifestyle for believers!”
The blessing of miracles
The idea for HEAL Singapore came up last year as Ps Pacer was chatting with another pastor.
“What would happen if the Christian community in Singapore could experience the supernatural power of God?”
“The whole conversation was centred upon one question: What would happen if the Christian community in Singapore could experience the supernatural power of God?
“In my mind, it would authenticate the truth that our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as seen in the Gospels. It would also be a tremendous blessing to all believers, that our God is still doing extraordinary works of healing and deliverance in our midst.”
It was such an experience that led Ps Pacer’s father, Ps Rony Tan, to become a full-time minister.
In 1975, Ps Rony was suffering from incessant and intense pain because of stomach ulcers. The bleeding kept him up for four days and three nights.
In desperation, he held onto his mother’s hands and asked God to either heal him or take him home, promising to serve God full-time if he was healed.

In 1979, Lighthouse Evangelism founder Ps Rony Tan was preparing for his first mass healing crusade when God spoke to him: “Son, I will use you to shake the nations!”
Said Ps Pacer: “God healed him and he honoured his vow to serve the Lord full-time.
“Because of my father’s personal healing testimony, he felt the compelling call of God to help others find their healing, deliverance and restoration by the power of the Spirit.”
“There has never been a service without God working in amazing ways.”
Ps Rony would go on to start Miracle Service in 1979 and become well-known as a healing evangelist. As early as as his first healing crusade, he heard God speak to him in a clear and audible voice: “Son, I will use you to shake the nations!”
To Ps Pacer’s mind, one of the most memorable healings he witnessed at Miracle Service was that of a British lady’s.
He shared: “She had one leg several inches shorter than her other leg. During the service, the Lord impressed upon my father’s heart to walk down to the pew. Without prior knowledge of her condition, he walked right to her and led her up to the stage.
“What happened next was truly nothing short of a miracle. Her shorter leg grew to the same length as her other leg.
“The whole church marvelled at God’s goodness and His healing grace that day.
“God has been incredibly faithful to us. There has never been a service without God working in amazing ways. There has never been a time where there were no healing testimonies.”
A nationwide experience

The hope is for HEAL Singapore to begin a healing movement that will go beyond our nation.
October’s HEAL Singapore rally is the first time Lighthouse Evangelism is taking its healing service nationwide.
Through a contact, Ps Pacer managed to get in touch with American evangelist, healing minister and author David Diga Hernandez, who accepted the invitation to be HEAL Singapore’s speaker.

HEAL Singapore will feature evangelist David Diga Hernandez as its speaker. Photo from David Diga Hernandez’s website.
David’s own story is that of personal healing and deliverance.
As a child, he would have visions of demonic beings.
He saw a cavernous pit in which were many people whom he somehow knew were lost souls.
One in particular was when he was about six or seven years old: Looking down from his bed at the floor of his room, he saw a cavernous pit in which were many people whom he somehow knew were lost souls.
They reached out for him and he was terrified.
To this day, he can still remember the heat emitting from the pit.
At age 11, he prayed to ask Jesus to be his Lord and Saviour, and the anxiety, shame and guilt that had plagued him for years lifted completely.
Nationwide movement
The desire of HEAL Singapore’s organisers “is for more churches to bring the reality of God’s miraculous power back to their communities”, Ps Pacer said.
“Whether we be healed or not, we trust in the Lord always.”
“With more churches and Christian organisations onboard, we will see the power of God’s healing greatly bless many nations, families and people.”
As for those who do not experience God’s healing, he has this encouragement: “We do not fully understand the mysteries of God’s will. God has provided the means of faith and prayer for divine healing.
“But there are times when the Lord might not always heal, like the Apostle Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’. Whether we be healed or not, we trust in the Lord always.”
HEAL Singapore
HEAL Singapore is a national evangelistic miracle rally where people gather to pray for and with the sick and afflicted, and partner with them for a breakthrough. The Gospel will also be preached to bear witness to the power of God, His glory and goodness.
The vision is for those who are suffering spiritually, physically, mentally or emotionally to be set free from their afflictions and experience freedom and wholeness in Christ.
What is impossible with man is possible with God (Matthew 19:26).
About the speaker
David Diga Hernandez is an emerging spiritual leader, author and TV host. Based in Southern California, he travels worldwide to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and heads an anointed evangelistic healing ministry.
Date: October 13-14, 2023
Time: 7.30pm
Venue: Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands (live)
81 Woodlands Circle
Singapore 738909
Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines (telecast)
1 Tampines Street 82
Singapore 528985
Cost: Free
Click here for more information.
About the organiser:
Together, Lighthouse Evangelism, 3:16 Church, Bethesda Cathedral, Glory Sanctuary and Hope Church, as well as Jesus Heal Me and Salt&Light, envision the manifestation of the power of God to heal, at events such as this in Singapore and beyond.
“If you heal me, Hallelujah. If you don’t heal me, also Hallelujah”
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