Photo by Alesia Kazantceva on Unsplash
How do we begin to impact our workplaces?
Here are four things that must happen:
1. Embrace your calling to be a Marketplace Minister
Let the Holy Spirit renew and renovate your mind to remove the unbiblical division between the spiritual and the secular, the clergy and the laity.
Make peace with your calling by taking your job and loving it. As long as God wants you there, thank God for your work. Speak peace to your work. Do not curse, or grumble or complain about your work but bless it.
Think about people like Daniel or Joseph or Esther in the Bible. They all ended up working for ungodly bosses in an ungodly dog-eat-dog environment.
They all ended up as a godly minority amongst an ungodly majority. They all ended up serving corporations who only value performance and care only for their bottom-line.
But they all embrace their calling to be marketplace ministers. In the end, Daniel became advisor to four kings of Persia. Joseph became the Prime Minister of Egypt and Esther saved her nation from destruction.
They did it because they first embraced their God-given assignment to be marketplace ministers and agents for nation transformation.
I encourage you as marketplace ministers to quit living with a TGIF (“Thank God It’s Friday”) mentality but instead live with a TGIM mentality: Thank God It’s Monday! Then you can walk into your office every Monday morning enthusiastically declaring TGIF: Today God Is First!
Embrace your calling to be a marketplace minister. You are called to pastor your workplace.
Resolve to carry out the ministry of reconciliation wherever God has placed you at this time. Be an agent of transformation by the power of the Holy Spirit!
You officially recognise the Trinity as the Head of your corporation. You acknowledge God the Father as the Chairman of your board. The Lord Jesus is now your CEO and the Holy Spirit is your Legal Counsel.
2. Enthrone Jesus as the CEO of your workplace
As the divine representative of Christ in your workplace, you officially welcome the Lord Jesus into your workplace.
Walk into your workplace on Monday and declare prophetically: “Welcome Lord Jesus into my office, factory, school or campus. I release your presence in this place.”
You officially recognise the Trinity as the Head of your corporation. You acknowledge God the Father as the Chairman of your board. The Lord Jesus is now your CEO and the Holy Spirit is your Legal Counsel.
Now let Him reign as the Lord of the Marketplace!
Then walk with the Lord all through your workplace and talk to Him about all the people that you have to work with and invite Jesus to work in their lives.
3. Raise a Symbolic Altar in Your Workplace
If Jesus is the CEO of your workplace then He must have a place in your corporation.
So designate a Bethel somewhere in your workplace. It can be a room or a quiet corner or even simply a chair where you can retreat to meet with God in times of need or crisis.
This is a designated place where you can go to seek God’s wisdom and guidance that will enable you to make better decisions, achieve greater productivity and generate higher profits.
4. Engage the Lord Jesus Christ in Your Work
How many of you believe that God is concerned about how you are doing in your work?
If God is looking upon you with favour then He wants to bless your work as well.
So if you know that God is with you in your work, then engage Him in your work and He will bless you in whatever you set your hands to do.
Reflection and Discussion
1. If you work in a corporation or industry with critical bottom line considerations, how do you integrate God’s principles with your performance?
2. Read the gripping book of Esther. Reflect on Esther 4:14. Do you discern that you have been put in your job “for such a time as this”? Why or why not?
3. How will you activate God as CEO of your workplace or your home, starting from today?
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