New Salt&Light book features best-read stories on love authored by the God of love
Edric Sng // November 22, 2024, 5:50 pm

When actor Chew Chor Meng was diagnosed with Kennedy's Disease in 2008, his children were only 4 and 6 years old. "It has been a tough road. But God has never left us throughout this 16-year journey," said his wife Deon in an interview with Salt&Light. Photo courtesy of Deon Tan.
Relationships matter. Lord knows.
Somehow it’s always been part of His grand plan for us. From giving the first man, Adam, a companion in Eve, the first woman. To growing His chosen people into a nation via the structure of family – a brethren of many tribes, all traced back to one man and his wife, Abraham and Sarah.
And if anyone should choose the path of singlehood, it is for the sake of a much greater relationship. “Their aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.” (1 Corinthians 7:34)
CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY OF Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith in Love
The key to relationships, then, is that through them, we are pointed to the most important relationship of all: The long-awaited marriage between Christ, the bridegroom, and we the Church, the bride of Christ.

“People say, Never ever settle for second best. I feel that I’ve settled for God’s best,” says actress and TV host Belinda Lee of her eight-year wait for husband David Moore. Their love story is one of 33 in Salt&Light’s new book.
All of relationships, as with all of life, is about making us ready for that glorious day (Revelation 19:7).
Maybe this explains why, over the years, the most read stories at Salt&Light have always been – overwhelmingly! – from our Relationships section.
So as you read these stories of human connection, our prayer is that you’ll take away a lesson or 33 on how to relate with God. Stories of love, authored by the God of love.
Just released! Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith in Love
Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith in Love launches December 10, 2024.
Now available for pre-order here.
Please note that only orders made by December 10 will be delivered by Christmas.
Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith in Love focuses on God’s heart for us in marriage, relationships and singlehood.
Draw inspiration so that you, too, may experience life-giving faith in your relationships, even through times of testing.
To purchase a copy or bless someone with one, or simply to support the work of Salt&Light, please click here. $15/copy just for this launch (usual price $20).
To purchase our other books, Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith at Work and Salt&Light: Inspirational Stories of Faith in Families, click here.
If you have any queries or for bulk purchases of more than 10 books, please email [email protected]
New Salt&Light book: 33 powerful stories of lasting love despite heartbreak, loneliness and betrayal
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